by sya-admin | Jun 8, 2021 | yogapose
Diabetes is nowadays a ubiquitous word. Since the last few years, persons who have Diabetes have increased a lot. It can happen to anyone irrespective of age, place, or any genetic history. Poor diet, along with lack of exercise, has converted this condition into an...
by sya-admin | Jun 3, 2021 | yoga&health
Online Yoga Teacher Training courses The online Yoga Teacher training course is a comprehensive course that not only delivers a profound knowledge of Yoga and its different branches but also enables you to analyze the various traditional texts. Several online yoga...
by sya-admin | Jan 7, 2020 | yoga&health
Etymology and Origin The word Adho Mukha Svanasana derives from the pose’s resemblance to the way a dog stretches when waking. It is a Sanskrit word, the adho means “down”, mukha means “face”, svana means “dog”, and...