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300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Namaste dear students !!! I am Yogi Vishnu welcome you to join our 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training program in Rishikesh, India. I can understand your feeling about searching for the best Holistic yoga school in India. After a long experience, I believe that Holistic training needs to have experienced teachers. Teachers not only complete the curriculum but share the experiences and inspire the student to have that. We are so fortunate to have a very experienced teacher for you to teach. Samadhi is very safe and secured to stay and study. Samadhi yoga ashram is dedicated to its quality yoga education that why we have great reviews.

योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचा । मलं शरीरस्य च वैद्यकेन ॥ Yogena Chithasya Padena Vacha | Malam Shareerasya Cha Vaidyakena ||

Explore The True Meaning Of Yoga Through Our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India

India is known as the land of sages and sadhaks (practitioners). Yoga having a deep rooted origin from India has spread across the globe with its many advantages. Though there are many prominent masters and yoga schools around the globe India is still considered as the best destination to learn and practice yoga through the revered teachers and yoga trainers. Rishikesh in Uttarakhand is well popular as the Yoga Capital of the World and is offering a pristine and natural ambience to practice yoga under the leadership of highly experienced and knowledgeable yoga trainers. Samadhi Yoga Ashram is one of those numerous Ashrams situated in Rishikesh, which has proven its stance as one of the best destinations to learn yoga in India through its yoga gurus and yoga trainers. Situated in a serene ambience on the banks of river Ganga, this Ashram has been offering certified 300 hour yoga teacher training program,to disciples from across the globe.

According to Patanjali – the most revered Master of Yoga and author of Patanjali Yogasutra, “As the body gets purified with medicines, as the language gets purified with grammar, the mind (which is the master of everything) gets purified with Yoga.” With such a vivid explanation, we have devised our Holistic 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India for all interested aspirants, who would like to pursue their career in Yoga Teaching. This course is strategically developed to bring a person out of his premonitions and prepare his mind to accept and learn Yoga as a way of living. With our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, students can get enough time to learn the basics of yoga, its implications on a person’s life, its practice, and its philosophy. We make our students learn different physical positions (Asanas) along with breathing control (Pranayam) in order to make a perfect harmony within the body, mind, and soul. With different spiritual practices, Yajna (Fire rituals), Mantra Chanting, and Satsang, we envisage to offer a calming effect on the minds of our disciples and offer them a tranquil state of mind for wilful learning. With our Holistic yoga TTC in Rishikesh, India students stay on the campus and even participate in various activities conducted inside the campus, which reflects in their Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh

What benefits can you expect from our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh?

Once you are enrolled for our holistic 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh program, you are provided with a curriculum specially designed with a balanced approach to learning and practicing. Our soothing calm Ashram atmosphere with the finest yoga trainers exposes you to different aspects of yoga and how to learn them to teach them to others. We provide a complete and amicable environment that helps you to learn with added concentration. The best part of such a course is that it are prepared by certified masters and yoga trainers from international accreditation agencies. And your learning gets certified to transform you into a Yoga Teacher in your preferred region.

Interested to know more about our holistic Yoga Therapy TTC? Feel free to contact us or call us for a consultation!

300 Hour Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh India, 29 Days Course Overview

  • Vija Mantra of chakras
    • Lam
    • Vam
    • Ram
    • Yam
    • Ham
    • Om
  • Sanskrit Syllable
    • Vowel
    • Consonant
  • Sound in different Chakras

  • Mantra for leading darkness to light (Asato Mam Sadgamaya)
  • Mantra for Surrender (Twameva mata)
  • Mantra for Healing and fearless of death (Maha Mrityunjaya)
  • Guru Mantra (Gurur Brahma)
  • Mantra for removing the obstacle of life (Bakratunda Mahakaya)
  • Mantra for healing Energy (Pranaya Swaha-Apanaya..)
  • Mantra for student and teacher (Om Sahana babassu)
  • Morning Prayer (Karagre vacate)
  • Mantra for world peace (lokah samaritan)

  • Introduction to Prana and Pranayama
  • Individual and universal prana body (health)
  • Natural breathing (for peace)
  • Abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing (Expansion and healing all internal organs)
  • Thoracic/Chest Breathing (middle chest expansion)
  • Clavicular breathing (upper lungs expansion)
  • Yogic breathing/Complete breathing (complete lungs therapy)
  • Alternative Nostril breathing (Nadishodhanam) (balance and peace)
  • Cooling breathing (Sheetali and shikari) (fever and reduce anger)
  • Bhramari Pranayama (for memory and stress relief)
  • Ujjayi pranayama (healing throat and prolong concentration)
  • Bhastrika pranayama (for complete health)
  • Kapalbhati (intense cleansing and healing stress)
  • Morcha Pranayama(for Ecstacy)
  • Surya bheda pranayama (Heating and digestive)
  • Chandra bheda pranayama (activate parasympathetic system)

  • Origin of Mudras
  • What is a Mudra
  • Why hand Mudras
  • Benefits of Mudra practice
  • Five-element theory
  • Acupressure and Scientific theory
  • Types of Hand mudra
    • General Mudras
    • Prana Vayu Mudra (for poor vision and increase confidence)
    • Mritsanjeevani Mudra (Prevent heart attack and depression)
    • Samana Vaayu mudra (Reduces the formation of gases and acids and cure liver)
    • Udana Vayu Mudra (improve the power of speech and generate vitality)
    • Vyana Vayu Mudra (for high BP, relax mental nerves)
  • Therapeutic Mudras
    • Vayu Mudra (release extra wind from the stomach)
    • Agni Mudra (Helps dissolving extra fat)
    • Prithivi mudra (boost blood circulation)
    • Varun Mudra (reliving dehydration and stomach infection)
    • Akash Mudra (Activate calcium and phosphorus so good for bones)
  • Spiritual Mudras
    • Gyan Mudra (for innate wisdom)
    • Abhaya mudra (for courage and strength)
    • Dhyana mudra (concentration and spiritual awakening

  • Mula bandha (for stability and awakening of Kundalini)
  • Uddhiyana bandha (Abdominal lock for balancing inner organs)
  • Jalandhar bandha (throat lock)
  • Maha Bandha
  • What is Energy blockages
  • Reasons for blocking the energy and chakras
  • Three majors energy blockages

  • Basics of Meditation
    • How to sit in meditation
    • How to breathe in meditation
    • How to Relax in the meditation
    • How to concentrate in meditation
  • Mantra meditation (Improve anxiety)
  • Breath awareness meditation (Improving willpower)
  • Obstacles in meditation
  • Om meditation (Energy booster)
  • Meditation and stress management
  • Trataka (Candlelight meditation) (improve eyesight and courage)
  • Dynamic meditation (emotional block removing)
  • Kundalini meditation (awakening sleeping kundalini energy)
  • Silence Meditation (For enlightenment and peace)

  • Digestive System
  • Respiratory System
  • Circulatory System
  • Effects of breathing in the respiratory system
  • Effects of Yoga practice and Nauli in the digestive system
  • A muscular and skeletal system with advanced postures
  • Nadis-the energy channel
  • Prana and nervous system
  • Kundalini Shakti
  • Chakras
  • Panchakosha
  • Therapeutic Applications of yoga postures and how to avoid injury in yoga postures

  • Alignment, Assist, and Adjustment
  • Surya namaskar (sun salutation)
  • Chandra namaskar (moon salutation)
    • Bharadvajasana
    • Lolasana – swinging pose
    • Kukkutasana – rooster pose
    • Sarpasana – snake pose
    • Shalabhasana – locust pose
    • Dhanurasana – bow pose
    • Paschimottanasana – seated forward bend
    • Janu sirshasana – head to knee pose
    • Parivirta janu sirshasana – revolving head to knee pose
    • Sarvangasana – shoulder stand
    • Padam sarvangasana – shoulder stand lotus pose
    • Sirshasana- Headstand
    • Natarajasana – lord shiva’s pose
    • Utthita hasta padangusthasana
    • Naukasana –Boat pose
    • Vatayanasana – horse face pose
    • Mayurasana – peacock pose
    • Koormasana – tortoise pose
    • Chakrasana –wheel pose
    • Hanumanasana – monkey pose
    • Agnistambhasana- fire log pose
    • Brahmacharyasana –celibate’s pose
    • Astavakrasana – eight-twists pose
    • Ek pada sirasana – one foot to head pose
    • Chaturanga Dandasana
    • Pincha Mayurasana-Feathered Peacock Pose
    • Eka Pada Koundinyasana- sage koundinyasana
    • Handstand – Adho Mukha Vrksasana
    • Ardha Pincha Mayurasana- dolphin pose
    • Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana- dolphin plank pose
    • Bakasana –crow pose
    • Ek pada bakasana – one leg crow
    • Utthan Pristhasana- lizard pose
    • Pashasana-Noose Pose
    • Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana- sundial or compass pose
    • Titibasana-fire fly pose
    • Parshva bakasana – side crow

  • Yoga Nidra-conscious sleep (to Master the sleep)
  • Full body relaxation (Complete rejuvenation)
  • Tension relaxation (removing blocks from the whole body)
  • Point to point yoga Nidra (opening unconscious mind and transformation)
  • Subtle body awakening Yoga Nidra (feeling of expansion)

  • Jal Neti (Nasal cleaning for opening the cognitive senses)
  • Rubber Neti (Nasal cleaning with a cathedral for intense nasal block)
  • Agnisar Kriya
  • Kapalbhati Kriya
  • Trataka Kriya
  • Kunjal Kriya

  • Yoga philosophy and understanding of Truth
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutras
  • Bhagavat Geeta
  • Hatha Yoga Pradipika

  • Foundation of Yoga Therapy
  • Origin, history, and development of Yoga Chikitsa
  • The yogic perspective of human existence
  • Health, disease, and Four-Fold Strategy of Yoga Therapy
  • Yoga Therapy and Amiable Disorders
  • Diagnostic Tools in Yoga Therapy
  • Yogic Diet
  • Shatkarma and their Therapeutic Benefits
  • Asana and their therapeutic application
  • Therapeutic Potential of Pranayama
  • Therapeutic application of Bandha and Mudra
  • Meditation and Relaxation as Therapy tools
  • Yoga therapy for Musculoskeletal and Psychosomatic Disorders.
  • Satkarma therapy
  • Natural healing
  • Yoga therapy for different diseases

  • Demonstration
  • Alignment
  • Instructions

  • Positive and conscious communication
  • Friendship and trust
  • Time management
  • Quality of a teacher
  • Use voice in the class
  • Mental and emotional preparation for teaching
  • Class preparation
  • Step by step class structure planning

  • Based on the Oral test
  • Behavior
  • Attendance
  • Performance

Why Choose Samadhi yoga Ashram

  • Tradition- We follow Ancient Traditional yoga of The Himalayas.
  • Location – We are located in a peaceful, serene, and beautiful place in Rishikesh.
  • Lap of Mother Ganga- we are situated on the bank of the Ganga River.
  • Himalayan Jungle – The jungle is just behind our ashram closely.
  • Curriculum – All practices and theory
  • Teacher – we have 14+ experienced teachers under the guidance of Yogi Vishnu
  • Courses- we offer around 15 different important courses.
  • Experiences- Until now our ashram has trained more than 3000 yoga teachers around the world.
  • Spirituality- Our training is based on spiritual practices.
  • Kundalini-based training- Our main purpose is to awake the latent energy of our students.
  • First kundalini yoga ashram- we are the first school who stated the kundalini yoga TTC
  • Founder- Yogi Vishnu is one of the well-known Yogi who is the founder and teacher.
  • Holistic yoga- Holistic yoga Teacher training is one of the best course we offer

Availability of the 300 Hour Yoga Techer Training Rishikesh 2024-2024

Dates Availability

Course Price 6 Sharing Room 4 Sharing Room 2 Sharing Room Private Room

Book Seat Now Limited Offer

1st To 29th Aug 2024 02 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 29th Sep 2024 04 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 29th Oct 2024 04 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 29th Nov 2024 03 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 29th Dec 2024 03 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

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5th To 29th Jan 2025 05 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 27th Feb 2025 06 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 29th Mar 2025 07 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

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1st To 29th Apr 2025 06 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

Book Seat

1st To 29th May 2025 07 Seats left

$1299$1699(Females Only) 6 Sharing Room $1399$1799(Females Only) 4 Sharing Room $1699$2099 2 Sharing Room $1999$2399 Private Room

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Free online class videos for home studies

Frequently Asked Questions

To prepare yourself you need to Know these things:

  • Check the weather of India on that month you join.
  • Prepare yourself with some home studies of yoga, you can take the basic foundation course that we provide online.
  • Prepare your health and mind.
  • Come with an open mind to receive the wisdom of yoga

Yes, it is enough to teach, Our experienced yoga teacher will heal you and elevate you in such a way that you become inspired. After that, you cannot stay without teaching. Yes !!!! A yoga teacher is not only a teacher of techniques but a teacher of Love. Kindness and compassion. So come and elevate. We believe a true yoga teacher teaches first own self. You will be certified as a 300-hour yoga teacher and you can be registered in yoga alliance USA, Yoga Alliance professional.

Before teaching yoga you need to have a profound self-practice and training from the authentic yoga school. It is not the matter how long you should practice but it matters how much and how sincerely you practice and how much experience you have. At least 2 or 3 years of regular practice give you a good amount of experience to teach yoga. Yoga alliance also recommend 2 years of time

If you have done the 300 Hours basic yoga course, you will not be a registered yoga teacher in yoga alliance but you will be eligible to attend our 300 Yoga ttc in any month for 300 hour more and you will complete 300 hours. Yes you can teach the simple practices like joint movements, simple asana, pranayama and meditation practices.

Students Reviews

Discipline Rules for Students

  • No Smoking and alcohol in the school.
  • If you are not having your meal any day inform the kitchen Manager 3 hours before.
  • Respect your teacher and follow all the disciples make by the school for your successful course.
  • Always be on the time, you are late means will not be permitted to join the class.
  • Before departure return your books, maps, or any goods which you borrowed.
  • Samadhi Yoga Ashram provides accommodation for a student who joins yoga classes. So any friends or relatives will not be included in the accommodation. If anybody is coming with you please inform the school earlier.
  • Students have to present in all scheduled programs of the Samadhi Yoga ashram.

Refund Policy - Samadhi Yoga Ashram

  • An advance of course fees will not be refundable, only in the case of emergency students can join us on other schedules.
  • If students cancel the course, we accept cancellation but advance deposit will not be refunded in cancellation.
  • There is no charge of course cancellation. The student just has to inform by email.
  • Samadhi Yoga Ashram is not responsible for any mishappenings before course schedule

What does the course fees include ?

  • 28 nights shared Accommodation from 1st To 28th
  • 29th Checkout (Before 12 PM)
  • Daily nutritious vegetarian meals and tea
  • Weekend excursions
  • Yoga cleansing kit- Neti pot, Sutra neti
  • Himalayan Cave meditation trip
  • ‘The Himalayas” one time sightseeing trip
  • Indian Classical Dance

What is not included in the course fees ?

  • Any expenses related to visa and travel
  • Private accommodation- 300 USD additional
  • Taxi-pickup from (DED) Dehradun airport is free.
  • Taxi-pickup from Haridwar Railway Station - 20 USD.
  • Ayurvedic Treatment & Massages extra cost
  • Air-conditioner or room heater- 150 USD additional

Contact Information

Drop us a line and let us know how we can help.


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If You Have Any Query Regarding Any Course

Providing The Best

Student's Reviews

Allen Joy


I trained with Yogi Vishnu Ji for a 200 hr self-paced traditional kundalini & tantra certification course. His warm and professional way of teaching aligned with how I learn best. The material is organized, there are supporting people behind the scenes and the course felt like a family. Since I was self-paced and I have limited internet, it was important for me to find a course where I could learn through videos 2-3 days a week. I took the whole 3 months to complete the course, however still feel connected to the knowledge and warmth of Yogi Ji... Thank you Samadhi Yoga Ashram for offering such a gift that will be passed to the world.

Inna Kelberer


I have been practicing yoga for 3,5 years. I have always wanted to learn yoga deeper and to become one day a yoga teacher. I believe you can learn and study more just by teaching others. In this way, you can grow yourself and you can help other people grow as well. I had a lot of questions in my mind when I decided to register for Guru Vishnu’s yoga teacher training course. He promised that the course would change my life. But I didn’t expect that the changes in my life would be so rapid and huge. I am delighted with the level of preparation of any events, quantity, and quality of information! I am very impressed!

Kimberly Prado


I am so grateful to have chosen to attend this school online, it really changed my perspective of learning yoga in a more traditional sense giving me the greatest understanding I need to continue my journey. The teachers are beyond amazing and the people you meet wonderful people from all over the world. I cannot wait to attend this school in India in the nearest future. I highly recommend this school. I love the traditional teachings which gave me the experience I needed to build a strong yoga foundation. It is definitely life-changing in the most positive way. I love this school!!!



Well, my experience over the last month has been magical, to say the least. I had signed up for a Kundalini YTT and that Kundalini knowledge ended up being just the extra bonus. The daily lessons with Guru Vishnu Ji are something I feel everyone should experience in their lifetime, our world would be a much better place, that is for sure. The amazing group of my classmates from all over the world truly added a real sparkle to my experience. It is so incredibly refreshing to be surrounded by so many wonderful, like-minded people, even if only on a virtual platform for now. I can not wait to meet my new family live in Rishikesh when the time is right.

Selena Delesie


I had an amazing experience with Samadhi Yoga Ashram for my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. It was an online version, but they did so well in helping to feel deeply connected to the teachers, staff, my Guruji Vishnu, and my fellow students around the world. They are authentic, warm-hearted, and very supportive in helping students find their path as not only a yoga teacher, but a student, a yogi who lives yoga as a way of life, and in navigating personal and collective wounds. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking traditional yoga as a way of life and in guiding others on their path too. It was a life-changing experience, following a very challenging couple of years. I am finally feeling whole again.



Staying at the Samadhi Yoga Ashram for my 200-hour yoga teacher training was the best decision I ever made. The staff and teachers were super friendly and knowledgeable. By the end of the 18-day intensive training we were so close, always laughing and hugging. I really feel like we all became a family. I made amazing memories there. The facility and accommodations met my expectations and had everything I needed. When I went in December it was a little cold but if you have enough blankets you will be fine! The staff also has plenty of blankets for people to use if needed. The food was delicious and plentiful every day. We also had enough time for breaks throughout the day to explore the town and have fun. Would highly recommend it!

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