Difference Between Kundalini Yoga And Holistic Yoga

Difference Between Kundalini Yoga And Holistic Yoga

Whether you want to boost athletic performance or train your body or want to become a yoga teacher, yoga has something for everyone. However, you must understand that each yoga style is only for some. Each yoga form creates a unique feeling of relaxation, ease, and...
A Beginner’s Guide To Kundalini Yoga

A Beginner’s Guide To Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a form of yoga that focuses on the awakening of the Kundalini energy that lies at the base of the spine. This energy is believed to be the dormant creative potential of an individual, and the practice of Kundalini Yoga aims to awaken this energy and...
The Experiences of Awakening Kundalini

The Experiences of Awakening Kundalini

If you have been studying about the yogic realm lately, you may come across the term Kundalini a number of times. What is Kundalini? This question may have come to your mind, quite often. Moreover, you may have seen a few Kundalini yoga practitioners shaking their...
Kundalini Awakening and Open Heart

Kundalini Awakening and Open Heart

By now you may have heard of Kundalini awakening a hundred times or more. If you are a yoga student, it makes sense to explore more in this realm. Kundalini yoga is a spiritual form of yoga, which is slightly different from Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga-Vinyasa Yoga. The...