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200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala

Welcome To The kerala Chapter Of Samadhi Yoga

Fees: $1299 To $1599

Tradition Kundalini Yoga

25 Days Beginner Level

Transform Your Practice

200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala, India

Namaste, Dear Students!

Searching For The Best 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Kerala? If yes, then you have come to the right place. I, Yogi Vishnu, welcome you to join the best 200-hour kundalini yoga teacher training in Kerala. Kerala is an ideal location to learn yoga. We understand that everyone has different requirements, so we have designed the course so that our 200-Hour Yoga TTC fulfills all requirements.

The most amazing news is this life changing course is 15 days .. so you can relax and not have the stress of taking a month long vacation.

Along with the course, you will also get a one-year subscription to our online Kundalini Course which has live classes as well as pre-recorded videos for free.

To become a professional yoga teacher, you must join the best Kundalini yoga school in Kerala. Samadhi Yoga Ashram offers the best Kundalini Yoga Class. Check our reviews on social media and the internet to know more. The Kundalini yoga teacher training in Kerala provides a systematic understanding of yoga. You will learn Meditation sessions, Pranayama sessions, and depression management.

Why Choose Kundalini Yoga In Kerala?

Yogis have been practicing Yoga In Kerala for thousands of years. There are a lot of Kundalini yoga schools in Kerala, so visit us, and you will find out why our kundalini yoga class is the best. We follow the authentic and traditional methods of yoga. You will find an overview of the gorgeous view.

Our kundalini yoga course will make you a certified yoga teacher. After that, you will feel the tremendous healing powers of yoga. After learning Kundalini in Kerala, you will get a life-changing experience. We are affiliated with Yoga Alliance, and you will get a certificate after completing the Kundalini Yoga course.

Here are some other benefits:

  • Affordable fee.
  • Lush green environment.
  • Gorgeous view.
  • Famous backwaters.

Find the stillness of deep meditation and you will find inner bliss - Yogi Vishnu

Seven Chakras

Chakras relate to the kundalini. You can activate these chakras by meditation, pranayama, yoga asanas, gemstones, mantra repetition, etc. Thoughts are the primary source of every creation in the universe. Kundalini Yoga Class helps you to balance your actions, emotions, and thoughts.

You can generate self-confidence, empowerment, financial abundance, physical health, expressiveness, and vitality. The study of each chakra follows a unique concept. It will help you to understand the value of motivation and potential in your life.

Muladhara Chakra (Root)

This chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is also considered the base of your energy in the body. The kundalini awakening process starts from here. Muladhara chakra relates to allergy, disgust, trust, joy, sadness, anger, greed, lust, attractions, sleep, laziness, and sexual desires.

Other Information:

  • Colour: Red
  • Element: Earth
  • Petals: Four
  • Deity: Lord Ganesha
  • Beej Mantra: Lam

Swadhisthana Chakra (Sacral)

It is situated above the Muladhara chakra. The chakra is in the front part of the body, and it is right below the belly of the human body. The chakra is linked with the reproductive organs. Your sense of tongue or taste is also associated with this chakra.

Other Information:

  • Colour: Orange
  • Element: Water
  • Petals: Six
  • Deity: Lord Varun
  • Beej Mantra: Vam

Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus)

Manipura chakra is located behind the navel in the Solar Plexus area. It is considered the epicenter of your willpower. This chakra is related to the act of movement, sense of sight, digestion, and the power of fire. You can achieve the capacity to destroy or save the world by awakening the Manipura chakra.

Other Information:

  • Colour: Yellow
  • Element: Fire
  • Petals: Ten
  • Deity: Lord Shiva
  • Beej Mantra: Ram

Anahata Chakra (Heart)

Anahata is considered as jivatman or subtle prana. The Anahata chakra is located within your heart. It is described as a small glow in the Upanishads. Anahata makes choices outside karma. It is linked with actions of your hands, air, touch, compassion, and love.

Other Information:

  • Colour: Green
  • Element: Air
  • Petals: Twelve
  • Deity: Lord Krishna
  • Beej Mantra: Yam

Vishuddhi Chakra (Throat)

The chakra is linked with self-expression, creativity, and higher discrimination. In short, it is the purification center. When you awaken this chakra, your negative experience will be transformed into learning and wisdom. The chakra is associated with the sense of hearing and the actions of speaking.

If you awaken the Vishuddhi chakra, it brings out the visions of all periods, including the past, present, and future. Moreover, it grants the ability to transcend the world.

Other Information:

  • Colour: Blue
  • Element: Air
  • Petals: Sixteen
  • Deity: Lord Saraswati
  • Beej Mantra: Ham

Ajna Chakra (The Third Eye)

It is considered the third eye of intellect and clairvoyance. The chakra is located at the brain's center, just above the spinal column. It happens in the Ajna or your mind’s eye whenever you perceive things or dream. Ajna is also considered the connecting bridge between two brains.

Awakening the Ajna chakra brings out many powers like unity with Brahma, being omniscient, etc. It is also mentioned in the scriptures.

Other Information:

  • Colour: Blue
  • Element: Air
  • Petals: 2
  • Deity: Lord Shiva
  • Beej Mantra: Aum

Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Of Head)

Sahasrara is situated at the crown of the head. The chakra is compared with a lotus with thousands of blooming petals. It is considered the only source of divine light or Brahmrandhra. It helps you create a special connection or bond between the force of life and yourself. The chakra is linked with self-actualization.

So these are the 7 chakras of Kundalini yoga. You can join the best kundalini yoga class for the awakening of the Kundalini.

Other Information:

  • Colour: Blue
  • Element: Air
  • Petals: 2
  • Deity: Lord Shiva
  • Beej Mantra: Aum

Best Fit For You If

  • You want a certificate after completion.
  • You want to learn meditation and tantra.
  • Advanced or Beginner yoga practitioner.
  • You wish to awaken your hidden energy.
  • You wish to develop a skill in yoga teaching.
  • Want to join the best Kundalini Yoga Course.
  • You have completed any yoga teacher training.

Things To Learn

  • Mudras (It saves energy)
  • Satkarma (awaken the energy)
  • Meditation (relax and calm your mind)
  • Bandhas (awakens your hidden energy)
  • Tantra Practices (unite the Shakti & Shiva)
  • Hatha Yoga (improve flexibility & physical health)
  • Pranayama (proper breathing & energy balance)
  • Philosophy (deep knowledge about kundalini shakti)
  • Kundalini Practices (for the awakening of hidden energy)
Samadhi yoga Ashram location in rishikesh india

The Kundalini Yoga Course Fees Includes

  • Cleansing kit.
  • Classical dance.
  • Satsang & Kirtan night.
  • Study materials & books.
  • Locat ashram visit and tour.
  • Shared Accommodation.
  • Daily vegetarian meals and breakfast.

Enroll Course With Us

Here is the syllabus for our 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC in Kerala

Curriculum Details Of 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala

  • Nauli Kriya (For Navel Cleansing)
  • Prarthana Asana Or Prayer Pose
  • Trikonasana Or The Triangle Pose
  • Padahastasana (For Muladhara Chakra)
  • Sahaja Agnisar Dhauti (For Manipura Chakra)
  • Paschimottanasana Or The Back Stretching Pose.
  • Tadasana Or Free Pose (For Spiritual Aspiration)
  • Dhanurasana Or The Bow Pose (To improve digestion)
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana Or The Lord Of The Fishes Pose.
  • Vajrasana Or The Thunderbolt Pose (It cleanses Vajra Nadi)
  • Ustrasana Or The Camel Pose (Related To Manipura Chakra)
  • Naukasana Or The Boat Pose (To alleviate nervousness and anxiety)
  • Garudasana Or The Eagle Pose (To improve Coordination and balance)
  • Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose (For the awakening of the heart chakra)
  • Janushirshasana Or The Knee Pose (For eliminating weakness and laziness)
  • Shalabhasana Or The Locust Pose (Increases blood supply to lower back and sacrum)
  • Uddiyana Bandha Or Upward Flying Lock.
  • Pavanamuktasana (Decongest sexual organs and liver)
  • Supta Vajrasana Or The Reclining Thunderbolt Pose (Cleanse the Vajra Nadi)
  • Ardha Shirshasana Or Half Headstand Pose (For rejuvenating the brain cells)
  • Shashankasana Or The Hare Pose (To remove anger, selfishness, arrogance, and stress)

  • Leg Cardle.
  • Side bending.
  • Knee movement.
  • Warmup exercises.
  • Ankle and Feet exercise.
  • Hip rotation and movement.
  • Arm swing and movement.
  • Hand and Wrist movement.
  • Head, eye, tongue, mouth, jaw, chin, and neck exercises.

  • Daily arati and chanting.
  • Visit the temple for worship.
  • 1008 offerings to Shakti and Shiva.
  • Bhajan kirtan to awaken your Kundalini.

  • Tratak.
  • Kapalbhati.
  • Jala Neti.
  • Kunjal kriya.
  • Daily detox.

  • Correct sitting.
  • Correct breathing.
  • Mantra meditation.
  • Chakra Breathing Meditation.

  • Kapalbhati (To awaken 3rd eye)
  • Bhastrika (For emotional stability)
  • Bhramari (For cleansing Sahasrara and Ajna chakra)
  • Nadi Shodhanam (to activate Sushumna and balance hemisphere)

  • Postures
  • Chakra Sadhana.
  • Preparation and rules.
  • Practices For Chakra Awareness.
  • Practices for the awakening of Bindu.
  • Practices for the awakening of Ajna chakra.
  • Practices for the awakening of Anahata chakra.
  • Practices for the awakening of Manipura chakra.
  • Practices for the awakening of Vishuddhi chakra.
  • Practices for the awakening of Muladhara chakra.
  • Practices for the awakening of Swadhisthana chakra.
  • Moola Shakti Bandha Or Root Energy Lock.
  • Maha Shakti Bandha Or Great Energy Lock.
  • Jalandhar Shakti Bandha Or Throat Energy Lock.
  • Uddiyana Shakti Bandha Or Abdomen Energy Lock.

  • Kaya Mudra.
  • Mana Mudra.
  • Hasta Mudra.
  • Adhara Mudra.
  • Bandha Mudra.

  • 31 Point Blue Star Yoga Nidra.
  • Subtle Body Awakening Yoga Nidra.

  • An Overview.
  • Definition Of The Chakra.
  • Understanding Of The Chakra.
  • Mantra-Shaktipat.
  • Yagya Chakra.
  • Anahata Chakra.
  • Vishudhhi Chakra.
  • Manipura Chakra.
  • Sahasrara Chakra.
  • Muladhara Chakra.
  • Swadhisthan Chakra.
  • Kundalini Awakening Process.

  • Vayu.
  • Dhatus.
  • Tridosha.
  • Chakras.
  • Panchakosha.
  • Nervous System.
  • Respiratory System.
  • Energy Channel Or Nadis.

What Special?

Why Choose Samadhi yoga Ashram


We follow Ancient Traditional yoga of The Himalayas.


We are located in a peaceful, serene, and beautiful place in Rishikesh.

Lap of Mother Ganga

we are situated on the bank of the Ganga River.

Himalayan Jungle

The jungle is just behind our ashram closely.


we have 14+ experienced teachers under the guidance of Yogi Vishnu.


we offer around 15 different important courses.


Until now our ashram has trained more than 3000 yoga teachers around the world.


Our training is based on spiritual practices.

Kundalini Based Training

Our main purpose is to awake the latent energy of our students.

First Kundalini Yoga Ashram

we are the first school who stated the kundalini yoga TTC.


Yogi Vishnu is one of the well-known Yogi who is the founder and teacher.

Holistic Yoga

Holistic yoga Teacher training is one of the best course we offer.

Dates - 200 Hour Yoga TTC In Kerala

Seats For 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC in Kerala

Want to learn Kundalini Yoga In Kerala? The below table includes seats availability for upcoming months:

Dates Availability

Course Price 2 Sharing Room Private Room

Book Seat Now Limited Offer

6th To 30th Mar 2025 02 Seats left

$1299$1899 2 Sharing Room $1599$2199 Private Room

Book Seat

6th To 30th Nov 2025 06 Seats left

$1299$1899 2 Sharing Room $1599$2199 Private Room

Book Seat

6th To 30th Dec 2025 05 Seats left

$1299$1899 2 Sharing Room $1599$2199 Private Room

Book Seat

6th To 30th Jan 2026 06 Seats left

$1299$1899 2 Sharing Room $1599$2199 Private Room

Book Seat

6th To 1th Feb 2026 05 Seats left

$1299$1899 2 Sharing Room $1599$2199 Private Room

Book Seat

A human life is a gift from the Divine, be honour-bound - Yogi Vishnu

Our Facility - Samadhi Yoga Ashram

Accommodation & Food For This Course

Samadhi Yoga Ashram provides low-cost, standard, and good accommodation with Indian vegetarian food. Enjoy the beauty of the surroundings and nature during your stay. All three meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served at Samadhi Yoga Ashram. We follow the Ayurvedic way of cooking. You will get fully vegetarian food to promote balance between body and mind. We offer food thrice a day for our students. We also offer detox tea to purify your body.

Your surroundings have an impact on how you feel or think. Our rooms are clean, pleasant, and simple to enhance your retreat and training experience. We offer shared and private accommodation for our students. Samadhi Yoga Ashram offers the best food and accommodation to fulfill all your basic requirements.

Include Not Include - Samadhi Yoga Ashram

What Is Include & Not Included With This Course

A yoga teacher training course can offer many things or just some. Some include all the information on yoga philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodologies, and enough practice. One can expect a competent instructor and study materials and, often, a diploma upon graduation. However, you might be paying extra charges, for instance, personal yoga equipment, external workshops, accommodations, or even just the room, depending on whether this is a training in retreat format. So make sure to look into the course details to see that it is what you are expecting and fits your budget.

What does the course fees include ?

  • Books.
  • One free Ayurveda Massage
  • Free Ayurveda Consultation
  • Study materials & Free Wifi facilities.
  • Nature excursions.
  • Detox tea & Daily detox cleansing.
  • Classes & Workshops.
  • Vegetarian Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

Excluded From Your Kundalini Yoga Course Fees

  • Visa or travel expenses.
  • Private accommodation.
  • Medical treatment or insurance.

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Schedule - 200 Hour Yoga TTC

Daily Schedule For 200-Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC

The daily routine of a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher has been made in such a way that there is an inclusion of physical practice, theory, and self-observation. There is a practice of silence meditation along with pranayama which is later followed by energizing asana practice to get the body up and about. Theory classes about the philosophy of yoga, ways of teaching, anatomy of yoga, and others will take place and practical lessons of helping into asana dissection and reconstruction ‘will extend throughout the day. One more yoga with the aim of relaxation, a talk and meditation will be included in the evenings with an aim of facilitating community and development. The educational process seems to be quite rigid and would, however, allow free expression on any particular aspect that would trigger active engagement with effective assimilation and growth of the students.

200-Hour Kundalini YTTC - Daily Schedule

05:00 AM - 05:50 AMKundalini Sadhana

06:15 AM - 07:15 AMKundalini Yoga

07:30 AM - 09:00 AMPranayama and Meditation

09:00 AM - 10:00 AMBreakfast

10:30 AM - 11:30 AMKundalini Anatomy & Philosophy

11:45 AM - 12:45 PMYoga Alignment & Adjustment/ Teaching Methodology

01:15 PM - 02:00 PMLunch

02:30 PM - 03:30 PMSelf Study

03:30 PM - 04:30 PMYoga Philosophy & Ayurveda

04:30 PM - 06:00 PMTraditional Hatha Yoga

06:00 PM - 06:30 PMDinner

06:30 PM - 07:30 PMSunset Beach Meditation(self)

Depending on the season, weather the timetable and timings can be subject to change.

FAQs - 200 Hour Yoga TTC

Frequently Asked Question - 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala

Kundalini yoga is a blend of Shakti yoga, Raja yoga, and Bhakti yoga. It includes the practice of chanting, medication, physical control, and expression of power & energy.

It is more spiritual compared to other types of yoga. The purpose of yoga is to promote spiritual enlightenment. It pulls up the energy levels from the base of your spine.

Other types of yoga focus on physical exercises, but Kundalini focuses on spiritual practices. It helps you ease anxiety & stress, boosts self-appreciation & self-perception, and improves cognitive functioning.

Here are the main benefits of Kundalini Yoga:

  • Stress & Anxiety relief.
  • Boosts Self-perception.
  • Spiritual Enlightenment.
  • Improves Cognitive function.

These are the signs:

  • Feeling of freedom.
  • Urge to change your life.
  • A deep sense of purpose.
  • Emotional & physical changes.
  • Able to discern, observe, and witness.

You can try these methods to trigger awakening:

  • Mudras
  • Shaktipat
  • Meditation
  • Breathwork
  • Yoga Asana
  • Brahmacharya
  • Ritual & prayers
  • Chanting & Mantras
  • Devotion & Intention

You should be physically fit to learn Kundalini Yoga. Ensure that you are physically fit for the challenge. However, if you practice it regularly, it will get easier.

Follow these steps to practice kundalini yoga:

  • Find a quiet and distraction-free place.
  • Wear comfortable & loose clothing.
  • Choose your time to practice.
  • Get into position.
  • Select the duration.
  • Choose Your Mantra.
  • Focus on your breathing exercise.
  • Finish the Meditation and increase the time gradually.

Join 200, 300, or 500 hours of yoga teacher training courses to get a certificate. After that, you will be a certified yoga teacher.

The duration of the teacher training depends on the training level. The 200-hour course is 15 days long.

Join our 200-hour kundalini yoga course, and you will be able to access our online course for one year.

Our 200-hour teacher training takes 15 days.

After This Course - 300 Hour Yoga TTC

Additional Courses You Can Join During & After Your Training

The Rishikesh Yoga Teacher Training course is quite intensive, so we look for full attention and commitment. Whether it is improvement or something new to be learned you may enroll for special courses or prolong your stay for advanced yoga teacher training. Here are some options for you:

Extra Courses You Can Take While Undergoing Training

Your personal skill will easily distinguish you from all the others who applied. As a result of receiving a new yoga skill, you might get the job. Besides, we offer short term yoga courses as well. You can be leading those classes since you can do them at the same time while you're attending your present course in Rishikesh, India. Here is the list of the best additional yoga courses that will give you the upper hand over your competition:

Extra Courses To Join After Finishing Your Training

If you are staying in Rishikesh, India, then this would be a great opportunity. Vinyasa Yoga Academy here is here to help you grow as a person, to bring you to an exceptional learning experience and develop you as a yoga practitioner. You can become a Yoga Master or Guru after being part of their courses: guide many people to their path. Deep knowledge and increase your skills in yoga will also be gained through this course.

Rules & Regulations - 200 Hour Yoga TTC

Rules & Books for Students - 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Kerala

Code of Conduct

Yogic discipline and a recommended code of conduct are expected from all our dear students. Samadhi Yoga Ashram has the following disciplinary rules for our participants.

  • Smoking and Alcohol are strictly prohibited in the ashram.
  • Inform the kitchen manager in advance if you have a fast on any day to avoid food wastage.
  • Always maintain discipline within the premises and be respectful to the teachers by obeying all the rules.
  • Maintain punctuality and arrive on time for the classes – latecomers will not be permitted to join sessions.
  • Return books, maps, or any goods which you might have borrowed from our institution.
  • Samadhi Yoga Ashram offers accommodation only for its students who join our Yoga courses, not to friends or family.
  • Complete attendance is compulsory in all the scheduled programs of the Samadhi yoga ashram.

Refund Policy at Samadhi Yoga Ashram

Advance payment of course fees is non-refundable. In case of an emergency, we welcome students to join us for other Yoga training courses.

  • The school accepts course cancellation requests – but advanced deposits will not be refunded for cancellations.
  • Samadhi Yoga Ashram charges you nothing for course cancellation – you can simply inform the school authorities via email.

Compliance With Yoga Alliance Guidelines

Our premier Yoga institute at the heart of Kerala instructs every student to be aware of the following policy guidelines for students:

  • Anti-Harassment Policy: Yoga Alliance provides protection against any kind of harassment including sexual, discriminatory, personal, physical, personal, online, etc.
  • Anti-Retaliation Policy: This policy provides protection against violation of any form against those reporting violation of your code of conduct or who participate in an investigation related to a similar violation.
  • Attendance Policy: Attendance Policy offers guidelines with respect to a student’s attendance and participation in all events of the school’s 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program.

What Our Students Say About Our Course

Book For This Course

Recommended Readings Before This Course

All the books including other study materials will be sent after enrolment of the course, and a online 50 hour preparatory course will be given freely.

Yoga Anatomy book

Yoga Anatomy book By Leslie Kaminoff


Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha book

Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha


Daily Life of a Yogi Book

Daily Life of a Yogi Book


Yoga School in Rishikesh

Himalayan Tradition Of Yoga Meditation


Manta Book By Guru Vishnu

Manta Book By Guru Vishnu Ji


Mediation books

Meditation And Its Methods


 Yoga nidra book by swami satyananda ji

Yoga Nidra Swami Satyananda Ji


 Yoga Sutras patanjali Book

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali


Providing The Best

Student's Reviews


Out Of 5 Stars

Overall Rating of 786+ Total Reviews

I think anyone's perspective on yoga and its practice may be altered by the 200-hour yoga teacher training offered by Samadhi Yoga Ashram Rishikesh, India.

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Contact For Query

Allen Joy


I trained with Yogi Vishnu Ji for a 200 hr self-paced traditional kundalini & tantra certification course. His warm and professional way of teaching aligned with how I learn best. The material is organized, there are supporting people behind the scenes and the course felt like a family. Since I was self-paced and I have limited internet, it was important for me to find a course where I could learn through videos 2-3 days a week. I took the whole 3 months to complete the course, however still feel connected to the knowledge and warmth of Yogi Ji... Thank you Samadhi Yoga Ashram for offering such a gift that will be passed to the world.

Inna Kelberer


I have been practicing yoga for 3,5 years. I have always wanted to learn yoga deeper and to become one day a yoga teacher. I believe you can learn and study more just by teaching others. In this way, you can grow yourself and you can help other people grow as well. I had a lot of questions in my mind when I decided to register for Guru Vishnu’s yoga teacher training course. He promised that the course would change my life. But I didn’t expect that the changes in my life would be so rapid and huge. I am delighted with the level of preparation of any events, quantity, and quality of information! I am very impressed!

Kimberly Prado


I am so grateful to have chosen to attend this school online, it really changed my perspective of learning yoga in a more traditional sense giving me the greatest understanding I need to continue my journey. The teachers are beyond amazing and the people you meet wonderful people from all over the world. I cannot wait to attend this school in India in the nearest future. I highly recommend this school. I love the traditional teachings which gave me the experience I needed to build a strong yoga foundation. It is definitely life-changing in the most positive way. I love this school!!!



Well, my experience over the last month has been magical, to say the least. I had signed up for a Kundalini YTT and that Kundalini knowledge ended up being just the extra bonus. The daily lessons with Guru Vishnu Ji are something I feel everyone should experience in their lifetime, our world would be a much better place, that is for sure. The amazing group of my classmates from all over the world truly added a real sparkle to my experience. It is so incredibly refreshing to be surrounded by so many wonderful, like-minded people, even if only on a virtual platform for now. I can not wait to meet my new family live in Rishikesh when the time is right.

Selena Delesie


I had an amazing experience with Samadhi Yoga Ashram for my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. It was an online version, but they did so well in helping to feel deeply connected to the teachers, staff, my Guruji Vishnu, and my fellow students around the world. They are authentic, warm-hearted, and very supportive in helping students find their path as not only a yoga teacher, but a student, a yogi who lives yoga as a way of life, and in navigating personal and collective wounds. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking traditional yoga as a way of life and in guiding others on their path too. It was a life-changing experience, following a very challenging couple of years. I am finally feeling whole again.



Staying at the Samadhi Yoga Ashram for my 200-hour yoga teacher training was the best decision I ever made. The staff and teachers were super friendly and knowledgeable. By the end of the 18-day intensive training we were so close, always laughing and hugging. I really feel like we all became a family. I made amazing memories there. The facility and accommodations met my expectations and had everything I needed. When I went in December it was a little cold but if you have enough blankets you will be fine! The staff also has plenty of blankets for people to use if needed. The food was delicious and plentiful every day. We also had enough time for breaks throughout the day to explore the town and have fun. Would highly recommend it!

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Feel Free To Contact Us

If you have any queries regarding courses at Samadhi Yoga Ashram, feel free to reach out. Our dedicated team is here to assist you with course details, schedules, and any other information to help you begin your transformative yoga journey.

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