The Stages Of Kundalini Awakening And Benefits

The Stages Of Kundalini Awakening And Benefits

Kundalini energy is present in every being, but many fail to explore it. This hidden energy lies within the coiled serpent, which resides at the base of the spine or the muladhara chakra. It is also regarded as the source of pranic energy and consciousness. You can...
Why Should You Choose The Yoga Certification Course? 

Why Should You Choose The Yoga Certification Course? 

With so many schools running across the country, and claiming to teach authentic yoga, certifications are a must. No matter, if you are someone who is looking at joining a school to learn yoga, or want to teach, everybody will and must look for certifications. Any...
Mudras – The Symbolic Gestures Decoded For You

Mudras – The Symbolic Gestures Decoded For You

If you are interested in learning yoga, or have already begun your journey, this will be useful. Yoga, as you may already know, is just 10 percent asanas, and the remaining consists of bandhas, meditation, pranayama, and so on. No matter, which yoga form you have...
Difference Between Kundalini Yoga And Holistic Yoga

Difference Between Kundalini Yoga And Holistic Yoga

Whether you want to boost athletic performance or train your body or want to become a yoga teacher, yoga has something for everyone. However, you must understand that each yoga style is only for some. Each yoga form creates a unique feeling of relaxation, ease, and...